Solutions for lowering emissions in the shipping industry using onshore power

MKO Marine Consulting GmbH, in the person of Max Kommorowski, is at your side as an impartial consultant and expert with extensive expertise in lowering emissions through the use of an onshore power connection or the use of mobile solutions. This expertise on the advantages and disadvantages of different solutions is unrivalled on the market – few have this much extensive practical experience.

Experience and expertise in reducing emissions at ports:

  • How an onshore power connection works
  • How mobile solutions work
  • System analysis
  • The pros and cons of an onshore power connection
  • The pros and cons of mobile solutions
  • Consulting and application in laws related to electricity
  • Experience in the different approval procedures
  • Application and experience with BIMSchG (German Federal Immission Control Act)
  • Application of IEEC 80005-1

Get in touch with us

We look forward to hearing from you and will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

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